Wednesday, May 6, 2009


Ummm - A New Flash Game?

According to the Twitter feed of New York Times executive editor Bill Keller, the science writers at his paper are spending some quality time with an infectious little game called Sneeze in which your goal is — as you might guess — to sneeze in the right spot and infect as many people as possible with whatever virus you’re carrying.

Technically the game appears under the title Stop Swine Flu and is described as an educational exercise in how fast disease can spread in a relatively small area when people sneeze without covering their mouths. All you need to do to get a high score is to sneeze in an area where a lot of people will pass, spreading the virus as they try to make it from point A to point B. In the level above, I infected 90% of the area using this strategy, which is precisely what this game is trying to point out.

Moral of the story? Don’t sneeze at random people in public places and keep your distance from those actively spreading their germs around. Clearly they haven’t played this game…


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